What did we really enjoy about being back in Canada?
Seeing our cousins and Mama and Papa, and people that visited us in Tanzania.
(Louisa) Other than people, I enjoyed going to the shops.
(both) Tim Hortons!
What thing about Canada did we find the most strange/peculiar/funny?
(Amisadai) The church service was over so quickly!
(Louisa) We had a machine to wash our dishes!
What do we miss most from Tanzania?
The hot weather. Our rabbits.
We had a wonderful time in Canada, and really enjoyed our stay. We left Mwanza on Friday morning and flew to Dar and had a wonderful lunch with Pastor Huruma, and Auntie Joyce, Kenny, Jimmy, Joan and Marion. We almost missed our flight in the Dar traffic! We had to rush through security and onto the plane and we only just made it! We went to Nairobi, then to England. We met dad and then had a massive surprise! Grandad and Grandma came to see us! But after a few hours we were back on another plane to Ottawa and then to Vancouver. We arrived in Vancouver airport at 9:00pm and got home at 10pm. We were sooooo tired!
Mama and Papa took Mum, Louisa and I for a day out at Stanley Park and Lynn Canyon. Sadly, dad was ill so he didn't come. We had loads of fun at Stanley Park; we watched the horses go by, we played in playgrounds, we went for a lovely walk to the light house, and we went to Prospect Point and played on the steps. Then we had a super picnic of soup and hot chocolate! After that we went to Lynn Canyon and crossed the very high suspension bridge. Louisa was a little afraid at first! We went through the trees and played on a little beach. We paddled in a rock pool, and played on the rocks. But Louisa slipped and fell in, while wearing both her sweaters! Her feet, legs, hands, arms and tummy were freezing as the water is melted snow from the mountains! We all laughed a lot!
Crossing the swaying suspension bridge at Lynn Canyon. |
Here we are playing in a hollow tree on the way to the rocky beach. |
Paddling in the very cold melted snow at Lynn Canyon. |
We had a really fun time in Lonsdale Quay with mama and papa. Thankfully dad could come on this outing! We had a really nice hot chocolate when we arrived, one of the best I've ever had! We looked around the shops and started a game of chess with gigantic size pieces!
Playing chess! |
We climbed to the top of the tower at Lonsdale Quay after crossing on the SeaBus. |
We went out for the morning to White Rock beach. We were amazed to believe that we could see America! We splashed in the water, though the tide was so far out!
Posing at White Rock Beach |
Posing as hockey players at Canada Place |
Gassy Jack Steam Clock in Vancouver |
With the VanWoerdens in Chilliwack |
Final fun with the cousins! |
Louisa's Birthday (by Louisa)
I had four birthdays this year! One at my Auntie Caroline and Uncle James's house with my cousins and Mama and Papa. Then I had a birthday lunch at Uncle Dicky's house with Auntie Pam and Laura in Ontario. Then on the plane, it was so much fun! I went to sleep and while I was sleeping Amisadai went to the stewardesses and asked if they could sign a birthday card. The Captain also signed it and they gave me a bag of goodies! I woke up and found the presents and card and HAPPY BIRTHDAY signs on my seat! I was so excited and happy. Then I had a birthday party at my Grandma and Grandad's house with my cousins and Uncle Chris and Auntie Carleen!
Birthday Buttertarts in BC at Auntie Caroline's house |
Birthday Bash in Ontario with Uncle Richard and Auntie Pam and Laura |
Birthday surprises from Air Canada |
"Olaf in a Hot Tub cake" at Grandma and Grandad's house in England |
Ontario (by Amisadai)
We had a lovely 4 days in Toronto with our new friends, Auntie Pam and Uncle Dicky!!!!!! It was FREEZING!!! They had a lovely house, and kept us nice and warm inside. Louisa and I did an assembly at a school there about what we do in Tanzania, and afterwards they gave us both a very kind present which included a Tim Horton's card (so we went with Uncle Dicky!) We had a meeting with all the EI Canada team at the EI office explaining everything we have done in Tanzania and what we want to start. Louisa and I were playing in the offices while they did this. That evening we did an open house at the office all about our projects. And we had Chinese food and such delicious desserts!!!
Tim Hortons with Uncle Dicky! |
Laura ( our friend from Iringa) came to visit us and stayed the night. In the morning, we woke up to see everything covered in snow! Snow in April?! Even for Toronto that's late! Anway, we built a little Tanzanian snowman ( though he is not really a Tanzanian snowman, 1. because there isn't any snow there 2. because he would of melted long ago even if there had been any snow and 3. snowmen generally do not like warmth. The only reason he is called a Tanzanian snowman is because we gave him a khanga for a scarf.
We met some new friends, the grandchildren of Uncle Dicky and Auntie Pam and their parents took us all to Niagara Falls! It was amazing! The wind was SO strong, it practically knocked us over! We went down 38m from the top (the falls are 50m high) in a lift, into some tunnels and went behind the falls. It was noisy and wet and very fun! We had so much fun with Carys and Breckyn and their little brother, Tavish!
Did you know that Niagara Falls has the highest fall rate of any waterfall in the world?
With Carys and Breckyn |
Did you know that Anne of Green Gables was filmed at the EI office in Stouffville? Here is the very bridge they used!