About us!

We are Amisadai and Louisa Monger (aged 15 and 13). In 2010, we moved to Tanzania in Africa - look at the map below to see if you can find it! We hope you will enjoy reading about our adventures and looking at our photos! Please don't forget to send us a message too!

Thursday, 25 August 2011


We have very exciting news! Lily had her puppies this morning! They are all sorts of colours, I (Amisadai) like the one with the white spotty head and Louisa likes the grey one. There are lots. Eight we think. Taylor, what name did you choose? Does anyone have any ideas of what to call them? We can't wait to surprise Daddy when he gets back!

First thing this morning

Later on this morning

Watching the puppies in the hole under the bridge

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Watch the Jiko Jingle!

Ok! We have the Jiko Jingle here for you to listen to! This is to tell people all about the fuel-efficient stoves for the Ebenezer Magozi Project!

Kuni chache (less firewood)
Moshi mchache (less smoke)
Afya nzuri (good health)
Mungu ametupa uzima (God gives us life)

Monday, 15 August 2011

School News by Amisadai

This is a message for Mrs Burridge and Mrs Jones and my friends in Aldermaston Primary School! Thank you very much for my DVD of all of you, I love it! Emma is walking so well! Mrs Hawhorne's baby is so cute! Thank you for all your messages. I miss you.

I went to school in Magozi! It is very diffrent. There are loads of kids in one class and I was the only white person of course, but they all practised saying "good morning" in English for me! They have a mud floor and brick walls, a tin roof. They have a blackboard painted on a whole wall and some wooden bench desks joined. There are no cupboards or bookshelves. Everybody had exercise books. They have school bags made out of flour sacks. Their uniform is a blue skirt and a white top. My firend, Nuru was in my class.  The teacher is called Mr George (he lives right by the classrooms) and I went for a maths class. I understood it all because numbers are the same in Swahili and English (but the words are different; ten is "kumi" and tweny is "ishirini" and thirty is "thelathini"). I hope I can go back for another class.

Teaching our song at the secondary school
This is a picture of the secondary school in Pawaga. We are teaching them our song that we made up to teach them about fuel-efficient stoves. Our song is in kiswahili and goes like this... "kuni chache; moshe mchache; afya nzuri; Mungu ametupa uzima!" (Little firewood; little smoke; good health; God gives us life!)

Guess what? We have exsiting news, our dog, Lily, is pregnant! We are going to have puppies!! They will be born at the end of this month or early next month!

One of the potters made us some clay dolls!
They have big bottoms!

Look on our swahili page to learn how to count to three in Swahili!