About us!

We are Amisadai and Louisa Monger (aged 15 and 13). In 2010, we moved to Tanzania in Africa - look at the map below to see if you can find it! We hope you will enjoy reading about our adventures and looking at our photos! Please don't forget to send us a message too!

Monday, 28 June 2010

The Little Bloggers Begin!

Come back soon! We are going to fill our blog with all the interesting things we do and see in Tanzania. We will tell you what we are learning about in school ... we need to think of a good name for our school, which will have two students, one in Year R and one in Year 2 and one teacher called Mrs Monger (but we think we can still call her Mum!) We will tell you about the new friends we meet and show you photos of where we live! You can ask us lots of questions and we will try to answer them!