About us!

We are Amisadai and Louisa Monger (aged 15 and 13). In 2010, we moved to Tanzania in Africa - look at the map below to see if you can find it! We hope you will enjoy reading about our adventures and looking at our photos! Please don't forget to send us a message too!

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Three Twitching Noses

Guess what?! I have baby rabbits! Three cute, fuzzy bunnies, running and lollopping around their hutch now! They are two and a half weeks old. They have all opened their eyes, though they still do not have teeth yet. I have called the grey bunny Twitch (because he twitches his nose so much!) but the other two do not have names yet. I need some GOOD suggestions for two more names for two adorable bunnies. Any good ideas?
Twitch is on the left

Flora (the mum) with her 3 babies (one is hiding behind her)

Playing It!

My bunnies 5 days old.
The bunnies were a great surprise when we arrived in Mwanza just over a week ago! Before we arrived home we went to Morogoro from Dar es Salaam. We went on the bus which took almost five hours. At the bus stations it is so noisy because sellers are trying to sell you carrots, sodas, bananas, hard-boiled eggs, watches... A man tried to sell nail polish to my Dad and a man even tried to sell cigarettes to Louisa!

This lady was selling carrots to people in the bus through the windows
In Morogoro we stayed with our friends, Matt and Amy, Elia, Fin and Tilly. We had never met Tilly before (she is just over one year old). I loved her so much, she is so cute and she loved cuddles with me! 
While we were in Dar, we went to Bagamoyo for an overnight holiday with Uncle Huruma and his family. Bagamoyo is historic for trade and also for sad reasons. It is the place where slave traders brought people captured from all over the county and where they were traded to go to Zanzibar and overseas. The name Bagamoyo means "Lay Down Your Heart." Today it is a lovely beach on the Indian Ocean. They have a swimming pool at the place where we stayed and as well, we had fruit salad for breakfast from coconut shell bowls!

Mum relaxing in a hammock!
Me relaxing on the sand!

Louisa, Joan and Marion in a hammock all having fun together!

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

From England to Tanzania

Our last days in England were fun ones! We went to the New Forest for a day out with Grandma and Granddad. Throughout the whole day I counted 264 horses! We saw squirrels, lots of bees, caterpillars (really cool stripy ones) many different birds and a trail of ants collecting crumbs from someone's lunch and making a pile of it, like in A Bug's Life. We went to the plain that we went to before, and enjoyed lunch there, followed by a game of football (me and dad), a game of boules (Louisa and granddad) and a game of sleeping lions without all the trying-to-keep-still-and-not-laugh bit, just the sleeping part (by mum and grandma).

Last time we went to the New Forest we found a rope swing across a stream. I certainly wanted to get straight on but dad said no. Mum and Louisa were disappointed about "chickening out" or as dad said "being sensible." True, we didn't have spare clothes or anything ... but still.

We did it this time though! I was first ... and managed to do it without getting wet. It was so much fun! Then Louisa went, and then mum. She skimmed the top of the water with her feet. Then Louisa went again and kept swinging  until she was stuck in the middle! We managed to pull her up. But after doing it staying dry, we did get pretty wet in the end!

MVI 0268 from Rachel Monger on Vimeo.
After some more swings, Louisa asked me to go again and to try to touch the other side. I decided to run a few steps, and then jump for the handles and swing. I did it well, but I didn't touch the other side. Louisa told me to try again. So I did. I took a flying leap at the handles and caught them, but my foot got stuck on a root under water, and I slipped straight off,  and fell flat in the water. I got the water all in my eyes and nose, and got a cut on my knee from a sharp rock underneath me. I was soaked, and everyone was laughing, I was too. It must have looked very funny! Dad awarded me the honour of the best fall of the day. But not for long.
Mum was next. She jumped at the handles but her hands slipped off them! She was in the position for swinging, not landing so  her feet were underneath her, and she cut her ankle on a sharp rock and bruised her foot. But it was a funny sight and she made a big splash! Now she had the best fall of the day award!

Year 6 performance of The Peacechild

Roasting marshmallows after a BBQ with our cousins
Louisa gets a shock in the loo at Milestones Museum!!!

We woke up at 2am early on Saturday morning to be on time for our flight at 6:30am. Our flight was ten and a half hours all together (we stopped in Amsterdam on the way). We arrived at Uncle Huruma and Auntie Joyce's house at 11pm. On my first step in Dar es Salaam, I could feel the humidity already! I am still not used to it, but I will get used to it over the weeks. All the Tanzanians say it is cold here now; we say it is hot!

It is nice to see our friends, Joan and Marion, and spend time with them again. We have a week in Dar es Salaam.