Did you know that we were on the BBC Radio Berkshire! We were interviewed by Anne Diamond, with questions like ' Do you like living in Tanzania?' or ' How do you do SODIS?' She asked us about water, our fundraising and Tanzania. It was very exciting, but a little short. Did some of you hear us? You can listen if you go to the link on our
But because the radio time was shorter than we thought, we were able to go to the performance of 'The Wizard of Oz' at the International School. It was very good. It was also very funny! There were lots of songs, and one in the jungle was one of our favourite songs called 'In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight'. There were two lions acting in this song, and lots of monkeys. We really enjoyed it. At the end, dad bought us ice lollies!
The day after the radio, we went for a little holiday to Musoma! This is a place about three hours away from Mwanza. We had to drive through the Serengeti Park! On the way there, we saw LOTS of zebra, lots of buffalo, a few baboons and some gazelles. We arrived at our hotel, which was called Afrilux Hotel. Louisa and I had our own room! Two beds, a large window, table, TV, armchair and an office chair and a bathroom with a bath! We also had a great view of the town. We had a picnic lunch and then had a short rest. then we went to a place on the Mara River, the river that wildebeast cross to Kenya. We went to look for crocodiles, but we didn't see any :( We had pizza for tea, after a long delay! We had ordered before, at lunchtime, for what we thought was sausage pizza. As it turned out, it was actually four sausages on a plate! So we ordered beef pizza, and chicken pizza instead.
On the top of the rocks in Musoma. |
Trying to push a big rock into the lake! |
The second day, Louisa and I got up early and saw the sunrise. I got a really good picture! Later we went to a place called Rehema. It is very like Neema Crafts in Iringa. It has a little shop and also a great café! I bought a little pouch and Louisa bought a wallet. We had baby chinos just like we used to get at Marks and Spencers! We also had burgers for lunch.
Sunrise ... on Friday |
The women working in the Rehema workshop |
Rehema Shop
Playing at Rehema |
Sunset ... on Friday |
On the third day we had a lovely breakfast at Afrilux. We had sausages, pancakes, chappatis, eggs, samosas, fish, (though I didn't have any of that!) and cornflakes. We played games for a while, and then went to Rehema again, to pick up some backpacks we had ordered the day before. Then, when they were ready, we set off, to Mwanza.
Sadly, for the first time in Tanzania, we had an accident. An eighteen year old boy ran out on to the road. He saw a lorry coming his way, so he ran. But he didn't run back to the side of the road he had come from, he ran straight into us. We now have a big dent in the number plate and bars and the bonnet is bent and the windshield is cracked. We drove on, because there might be someone with the boy who might throw rocks or burn our car. We drove on until we saw some police and they took us to the police station. We were there from just past 2pm until almost 8pm and didn't have any lunch or dinner. It was very sad because the boy died. Mum phoned some friends who helped us to find some people we could stay with. The Archer family very kindly let us stay in their guesthouse and gave us food to eat. Mum and Dad had to go back to the police the next day, but we were able to stay with the family. We played lots of games and watched some movies which was a big treat for us!
We are now back home in Mwanza but we don't have our car. Next week on
Thursday, April 17th we are going to go a village called Kayenze to do our SODIS SHAKE!!! We are going with Jountwa from our church here and will teach people about the clean water and how to treat water to make it safe to drink! Maybe you or your friends would like to sponsor us for each litre of water we will treat. We are going to shake 100 litres of water!
Saturday, April 19th, we are going to do our water walk. Dr, Makori, Pastor Zakayo, our friend Laura from Iringa and maybe Megan from our church are coming with us ... and maybe other people too! We are walking 6km and you can sponsor us for all the kilometres here!
Thank you very much to all the people that are sponsoring us! And also to people that are planning to do things to raise money to help people here! You can see what the Braithwaite boys are doing by
clicking here!