This week, we started school. We are learning about the Tudor Period. It is very interesting. People wore huge puffed sleeves. We have started a long timeline. In science, Kate (mummy's cousin, who has come to visit) taught us about Living Things.
Last week in Kimande we taught some of our friends how to play 'What's the time Mr. Wolf?'' But we said "Mr. Lion" because there are not any wolves in Tanzania. They love it. But they say 'What's the time Amisadai?' instead!
The last time we went to the village, a duck had six cute little ducklings! I love them. The mum is a bit fierce though!
We had fun playing card games! We played with Salma, Diana, Yosepha and Ibu. They liked it, but it was very hard to explain and they didn't really get it! In Old Maid, they kept leaving their pairs in their hands, so the game didn't work!! But they had fun making houses with the dominoes.
Playing Old Maid ... sort of.
On Sunday, we had lunch with Ezekiel and Bora and their little girl, Lightness. Lightness has really grown! She is quite heavy now!
Louisa and Lightness
A big beetle bug we found! Ugh! |