We had a great time in Malawi! We did lots of driving! I especially liked swimming in Lake Malawi, it was lovely and warm and I learned to swim. Here is Louisa swimming with Andy!

We loved staying with Paul and Helen. We loved playing with their lego. They have two nice VERY big dogs. They read us a bedtime story.

One day we had long walk and Louisa got tired and needed a carry! We went to see some widows who work together and I helped them do the maize. We take the corn off the cob and put it in the sun to dry. Then they pound it and make it into maize flour for ugali. Then we walked to see a lady's goat. It was hot!
Here is a picture of the sign about a tree where David Livingstone and
a chief sat and talked about stopping the slave trade in the 1800's.
Here we are pumping water at a centre for orphans. |